Durga Pooja 2019

Durga Pooja Essay 
4 October to Tuesday 8 October

India is a land of festivals. it is so called people of differnt religious reside in india and they celebrate their festivals all through the year. durga pooja is one of the festivals celebrated in india with enthusiams and joy. it is celebrated to tribute the victory of good over evil. it is considered that durga pooja was started when lord rama wordshipped the goddess durga to get power to kill ravan. 
goddess durga is worshipped beacuse on this day she killed a demon mahisgasura after ten days and nights of battle beacuse of goddess durga people got relief from the asura and this is the reason why they worship her with full devotion. goddes durga is worshipped all nine days of the festival. devotees keep fast for all days or only first and last days. they offer food, fruits etc. on the last day to seven or nine. unmarried girls in the clean manner in order to make goddess durga happy. some people do worship at home with all arrangements and go for statue immersion in holy river ganga. this is how this festival is celebrated by devotees of goddess durga with full joy and enthusiasm. 


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